BURST To Enter Studio In April

January 8, 2008

Sweden's BURST has issued the following update:

"Songs for our coming album are almost completed, and right now we are polishing and scrutinizing and paying attention to even the smallest of details. We are confident that the end result will be worth all this work and end up in an album that will feel is the absolute most accomplished effort we've ever been able to squeeze from our system. Recording will start in April.

"Buuut, in the meantime we will perform one or two domestic gigs:

"First up, we've been given the opportunity to play the northern Swedish town of UmeƄ. The Amplified Festival will feature us playing alongside bands like SOUNDTRACK OF OUR LIVES, CULT OF LUNA and a bunch of indie rock. Saturday the 26th of January is the date, and we're aiming at performing one or two of our new puppies there. Hope you'll enjoy. We'll also do another festival in March. Keep your eyes open for announcements soon enough."

BURST's second video from its acclaimed "Origo" album (2005),for the track "The Immateria", can be viewed below. The clip was shot in Stockholm, Sweden with director Robinovich of Robinovich Productions.

BURST completed a Finnish tour last year with fellow Swedes THE HAUNTED.

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